Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Pennies for the park

Last night we had a kick off for our Pennies for the Park campaign. I want to share some pictures with you and will post more on the blog . We had a wonderful time being out together as a family. Words cannot convey how much this group of people that have a passion for this cause mean to me. I quickly formed a bond with them and they are like family. It has been since before Abe was born since I have been able to attend a board meeting. I have missed it so much. I have missed being involved. I was determined to get the girls, Abe & I there early to help set up. It was just great to be with everyone.

As the event got underway it was such a blessing to see so many people there wanted to help make this happen. It was great to look out past the people and see the woods being cleared and to invision the park being finished. It so very exciting.

We had beautiful t-shirts that Scott did a wonderful job designing. Thanks to everyone that came. Thanks to those of you that worked so hard to make it happen.

I also wanted to share Barbara's email because she writes much more eloquently than me. I will ask her permission so that those of you that did not receive her email can read it.

Thanks again to everyone! After seeing all the pictures I wanted to post I should have posted a link to them.

1 comment:

Hodges Five said...

Love the family picture!!!!