We really appreciate all the support. Thank you!!!!
We really appreciate all the support. Thank you!!!!
Always Saturday was the band who hosted it. KittyWolf and Mommie performed. The Monkey Dr was there too. I cannot wait to share the pictures.
I have a huge favor to ask. Always Saturday is giving all the proceeds of the downloads of their song Love is Plural to Camp Sunshine. My challenge is for everyone to give up something for one day that you would typically spend .99 cents on & go to the link http://www.alwayssaturday.com/10k.html to download the song. It's quick & easy & really a great song. Always Saturday's goal is 10,000 downloads for Camp Sunshine. Let's see how quick we can help them reach that goal. Thanks so much!!!
Good Morning,
I just want to share with you a concern that is near and dear to me. My concern " childhood cancer" . As most of you know I have four children, three of which have special needs. Michala our middle child not only suffers from an extremely rare disease called Acardi Syndrome ( affecting less than 500 girls worldwide) but she was also diagnosed with Angiosarcoma a form of cancer that typically affects the elderly. Thankfully I am proud to say that Michala is a twelve year survivor of this dreaded disease. The purpose of this e-mail is to let you know that September is childhood cancer awareness month. Some important facts: cancer kills more children than any other disease, less than 2% of all federal cancer research dollars are spent on finding cures for our children, and still today childhood cancer has an 80% percent cure rate.
As part of cancer awareness month Michala was selected to be one of the faces of childhood cancer and September 21st is her special day. Along with this great honor 11 Alive news reporter Julie Wolfe came and taped a short TV segment that was aired yesterday morning at 6:30 am. If you are interested I have attached the two links below ( 11 Alive and CURE ) that will give you more detail about our "special child" and the many other brave and courageous children who fight this terrible monster called cancer.
http://www.11alive.com/news/article/203004/460/CURE-The-Faces-of-Childhood-Cancer Michala 's video.
http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/michalahopkins - if you have surfed this link – thank you. If you have surfed this link and made donations – thank you for providing support for the cure. The short video by Jeff Foxworthy is worth the time to watch.
Finally, the whole purpose of this e-mail is awareness. I have no expectations and you are certainly not obligated to contribute in any way. I certainly hope that I have not offended you with the expression of "my concern" .
Thanks so much,
Mike Hopkins