Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Heart thoughts

Just needed to take a minute to share some thoughts.

Having one of my moments. I dislike this time of year really bad. Not the thankfulness or celebrate the birth of Christ but just this time. I miss my daddy & brother more than ever during this time & it seems to me our children's disabilities are amplified & they miss out on so much no matter how hard we try. If you understand how I feel I am sorry! If you don't understand how I feel I am so thankful!

For my dear friends who are celebrating this year without a loved one especially a child, my heart & prayers are with you. Thank you for allowing me a minute to share my heart thoughts honestly.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Michala's day

Well it's September 21st. It's Michala's day as one of CURE Childhood Cancer 2011 CURE's Kids Conquer Cancer One Day at a Time. To those of you that contributed all ready thank you so much! For those that are interested in donating there is still time.

We really appreciate all the support. Thank you!!!!


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Amazing day!

Today our family had the privilege of attending Sunshine Family Fest at The Park Tavern at Piedmont Park for Camp Sunshine. It was amazing!

Always Saturday was the band who hosted it. KittyWolf and Mommie performed. The Monkey Dr was there too. I cannot wait to share the pictures.

I have a huge favor to ask. Always Saturday is giving all the proceeds of the downloads of their song Love is Plural to Camp Sunshine. My challenge is for everyone to give up something for one day that you would typically spend .99 cents on & go to the link http://www.alwayssaturday.com/10k.html to download the song. It's quick & easy & really a great song. Always Saturday's goal is 10,000 downloads for Camp Sunshine. Let's see how quick we can help them reach that goal. Thanks so much!!!


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hayden's golf benefit

Ya'll Hayden is a precious friend of ours that has Lennox Gastaut syndrome like Michala & Abe. This benefit it to be able to get Hayden a service dog that will help him lead a more childlike life without so many restrictions. The dog will be able to sense Hayden's seizures and help keep him from harm. Please consider playing in the tournament or making a donation to help this wonderful family that is so dear to us. Thanks so much!!!


Thursday, September 08, 2011

My Concern

Good Morning,

 I just want to share with you a concern that is near and dear to me. My concern " childhood cancer" . As most of you know I have four children, three of which have special needs. Michala our middle child not only suffers from an extremely rare disease called Acardi Syndrome ( affecting less than 500 girls worldwide) but she was also diagnosed with Angiosarcoma  a form of cancer that typically affects the elderly. Thankfully I am proud to say that Michala is a twelve year survivor of this dreaded disease. The purpose of this e-mail is to let you know that September  is childhood cancer awareness month. Some important facts: cancer kills more children than any other disease, less than 2% of all federal  cancer research dollars are spent on finding cures for our children, and still today childhood cancer has an 80% percent cure rate.  

 As part of cancer awareness month Michala was selected  to be one of the faces of childhood cancer and September  21st is her special day. Along with this great honor 11 Alive news reporter Julie Wolfe came and taped a short TV segment  that was aired yesterday morning at 6:30 am. If you are interested I have attached the  two links below ( 11 Alive and CURE ) that will give you more detail about our "special child" and the many other brave and courageous children  who fight this terrible monster called cancer.



http://www.11alive.com/news/article/203004/460/CURE-The-Faces-of-Childhood-Cancer  Michala 's video.


http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/michalahopkins - if you have surfed this link – thank you. If you have surfed this link and made donations – thank you for providing support for the cure. The short video by Jeff Foxworthy is worth the time to watch.


Finally, the whole purpose of this e-mail is awareness.  I have no expectations and you are certainly not obligated to contribute in any way. I  certainly hope that I have not offended you with the expression of "my concern" .


Thanks so much,


Mike Hopkins


Friday, July 22, 2011

Blue rose

Yesterday my most precious heartfelt friend sent me this. I didn't make time to read it yesterday but I did as I was having my quiet time this morning. I love God's timing because I needed this right now. I will let you read this and then I will share my thoughts (of course!).

Blue Rose
Having four visiting family members, my wife was very busy, so I offered to
Go to the store for her to get some needed items, which included light
Bulbs, paper towels, trash bags, detergent and Clorox. So off I went.

I scurried around the store, gathered up my goodies and headed for the
Checkout counter, only to be blocked in the narrow aisle by a young man who
Appeared to be about sixteen-years-old. I wasn't in a hurry, so I patiently
Waited for the boy to realize that I was there. This was when he waved his
Hands excitedly in the air and declared in a loud voice, "Mommy, I'm over

It was obvious now, he was mentally challenged and also startled as he
Turned and saw me standing so close to him, waiting to squeeze by. His eyes
Widened and surprise exploded on his face as I said, "Hey Buddy, what's your

"My name is Denny and I'm shopping with my mother," he responded proudly.

"Wow," I said, "that's a cool name; I wish my name was Denny, but my name is

"Steve, like Stevarino?" he asked. "Yes," I answered. "How old are you

"How old am I now, Mommy?" he asked his mother as she slowly came over from
The next aisle.

"You're fifteen-years-old Denny; now be a good boy and let the man pass by."

I acknowledged her and continued to talk to Denny for several more minutes
About summer, bicycles and school. I watched his brown eyes dance with
Excitement, because he was the center of someone's attention. He then
Abruptly turned and headed toward the toy section.

Denny's mom had a puzzled look on her face and thanked me for taking the
Time to talk with her son. She told me that most people wouldn't even look
At him, much less talk to him.

I told her that it was my pleasure and then I said something I have no idea
Where it came from, other than by the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I told
Her that there are plenty of red, yellow, and pink roses in God's Garden;
However, "Blue Roses" are very rare and should be appreciated for their
Beauty and distinctiveness. You see, Denny is a Blue Rose and if someone
Doesn't stop and smell that rose with their heart and touch that rose with
Their kindness, then they've missed a blessing from God.

She was silent for a second, then with a tear in her eye she asked, "Who are

Without thinking I said, "Oh, I'm probably just a dandelion, but I sure love
Living in God's garden."

She reached out, squeezed my hand and said, "God bless you!" and then I had
Tears in my eyes.

May I suggest, the next time you see a BLUE ROSE, don't turn your head and
Walk off. Take the time to smile and say Hello. Why? Because, by the grace
Of GOD, this mother or father could be you. This could be your child,
Grandchild, niece or nephew. What a difference a moment can mean to that
Person or their family.

From an old dandelion! Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak
Kindly. Leave the rest to God.

"People will forget what you said, People will forget what you did, but
People will never forget how you made them feel!" 

We have been blessed with 3 beautiful blue roses, along with a glowing sunflower. I of course am a dandelion and feel so unworthy at times to be among such rare and strong flowers. I hope that next time you are in the presence of a blue flower you will allow God to speak to you through them. Most people would or have said, but your 3 blue roses cannot speak. I must beg to differ! Even though they do not communicate with words their lives speak volumes. I have learned more from their lives than I have from Billy Graham, Abraham Lincoln and the finest teachers Newton County had to offer way back when. I hold those people I mentioned in high regard but still I have indeed learned more from the blue roses God trusted in my care. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Jason Heyward & Dan Uggla

> Jason Heyward asked if we wanted more pictures. Of course we did! I asked Mike to turn Michala's wheelchair around & Jason said oh no I will come over there. That might seem like a big deal to some people but to us it was huge. That was very nice & unselfish of him. Definitely not arrogant like some. Thanks to Jason & Dan!

Coach Dews

>> Here is a picture it Coach Dews who is 72 years old with Marlee Anne. Really nice man!!!



> This would be Michala eating a whole funnel cake by herself at the Braves game saying "what game?!".



Jason Heyward


> Marlee Anne is quite proud of this picture. Kinda like I am proud of my hug from him. This is a big guy. Marlee Anne said did you see his hands. He looks like a basketball player she said. Another very nice guy!

A night with the Braves

I know another email in the same week. Wow! We are heading to Michala & Abe's neurology appts so I thought I would type this as we were going. We are praying for direction for their seizures. Michala is still having 2 really hard seizures a day. In reality that's really not bad & we know it could be worse. Abe is still having lots of them. They are changing or rather having some that are different looking. He has one med left to take and we were trying to hold off on it but now maybe it's time. Either way I am praying for peace. 

Last night the Miracle League sent us to batting practice with the Braves. Even though it was 500 degrees on the field we had an awesome time. As we walked out on the field the outfielders came over and gave everyone baseballs. I just envisioned as soon as they gave Michala her's she would throw it back to them. We told her it was for her & she held it. 

Ross who is the catcher came over & talked to us & signed baseballs & Marlee Anne's hat. Conrad came over & was very nice. Heyward came & man that dude is big. I will try to send a picture of hey & Marlee Anne so you can see how big his hand is on her shoulder. I went to shake his hand and he hugged me. Really nice guy too. He offered to take a picture with everyone & I said we would turn the wheelchairs around. He said no I will come around. Very thoughtful! 

While Heyward was there with us Dan Uggla was talking to Mary Elizabeth. Everyone once in awhile someone makes a real connection with Mary Elizabeth and he definitely did. She was smiling & flirting with him. He took a long amount of time with her and even went back over a couple of other times to talk with her and ask to see her smile. I really hope the pictures turn out well of them. We did a group picture with Heyward & Dan & I have to say they quickly became favorites of mine. 

Marlee Anne wanted to see Chipper. Well she got to see him but that was it. He was in his normal Chipper form and attitude. I think she quickly forgot him after Jason & Dan were so nice. 

Our guide for the night was Steve and he was awesome! What an excellent host! After batting practice the Atlanta Journal Constitution did a video to go online of Homer giving us all souvenir tomahawks. 

We ended up having excellent seats thanks to the Braves, Steve and our awesome usher! Everyone enjoyed their night!

I knew it would be a struggle for Abe in the heat so I found these neat ice packs. They are still soft when frozen. It fits really well in his stroller which is what we used last night. Not sure how it will do in his wheelchair but it should work nice. It stayed cold for 4 hours once it was behind him. It's made by igloo. We haven't gotten him a cooling vest yet so this worked well for now. Plus this was $4 as opposed to hundreds. 

DC part 5

Ok it didn't take me that many hours to write part 4. Some really bad weather & seizures to deal with. 

What a wonderful day to rest! I am not sure how Mike made it through another day of conferences after the late night we had. After some of us (not me) had enough of being lazy we went to the pool to pass some time before dad got back. 

That night when Mike got back we had supper & spent the beautiful evening walking around the wonderfully accessible National Harbor. Another stop by the Peeps store. On the way back to our room we discovered Godiva now makes milkshakes. Let me tell you the chocolate caramel one is delicious. I walked enough this week that it was ok if I had one. LOL!!!

Next morning Mike was up & out early again for his conference. We torn between the zoo, Alexandria, & the botanic garden. Everyone said the zoo out of those 3. We knew we would have a couple of hours when Mike got done with his conference. I was getting everyone ready when Mike walked in & the fire alarm went off. We get everyone in their wheelchairs trying to figure out how to get down the stairs with them. We called the front desk. No answer as I am sure all of them had headed outside. Thankfully the fire was taken care of with no one hurt. I had just fed Abe got up to get his clothes & before I could turn around Michala had pulled his gtube out. Balloon still completely blown up. I search for a syringe to deflate it & put it in. Forgot how much water & so thankful my friend Mary Jane was by the phone to answer & help me. 

We get ready & as we walk outside the bottom falls out. We still head to the zoo but only to sit in DC traffic. Some how we made it & had time to most of it & definitely everything we wanted to see. As we are walking out of an exhibit I tell Mike the sky doesn't look good. We are at the very bottom of the zoo. My friend Maggie said the zoo is very hilly & boy was she right. Especially when you are  pushing a wheelchair while running in down pouring rain. 

We drive back through the DC traffic in the rain this time. It had cleared in National Harbor so we decided to try Grace's Mandarin for dinner. Very nice fancy restaurant with a beautiful view of the Potomac. We had just ordered & Michala flooded the beautiful marble floor with her daily episode. I get up & push her out. Our waiter was so kind & very concerned about Michala & me not getting my meal. She & I went left the restaurant just as it happened again. We get to the room, start the laundry yet again, finish a bath just as they walk in with my food. Perfect timing!

Friday morning Mike & Marlee Anne get up early to go get in line to see if they can get us tickets for the Washington monument. We had been trying to get them online but it was booked. They were 300th in line and were able to get 10 tickets. We were meeting my soul sista & her family that day & wanted them to get to come with us. 

We ended up meeting Cyndi, her husband & their 2 daughters at Mount Vernon. As we are looking for a place to park my phone rings. It's Cyndi saying did you not even see us? I laugh & say no where are ya'll. She laughs & says we are the only black people around. We are all cracking up & Mike says we don't see color. 

You would think it had only been a few days since we had seen each other. It's the most relaxing wonderful time with our families together. What blessings they are to us. Some of our most wonderful prayer warriors. We always giggle when we are together. This was no exception. At least we didn't know if the stares were for the wheelchairs or the 2 families together. Well ok one time we know what the stare meant. Nicki (black girl) was pushing Abe (white baby) & this older gentleman working there was too funny. His expression was priceless. At least Nicki was acting ok at the time & not being one of her aliases. 

George & Martha's home was really lovely. The land was incredible. Their graves were very nice. The slave memorial was very beautiful the way it was set in the trees. 

Again hills. Had it not been for Marcus taking over for me & Nicki taking over for Cyndi I do not think we would have made it back up the mountain. We were a hot mess!!! LOL!!! Quisha & Marlee Anne sat patiently at the top waiting on us. 

Oh I forgot to mention that we were all taking picture of this tree that no one wants to claim said it was an apple. As I got closer I saw it was actually an orange. The gardens were absolutely beautiful along with the huge majestic trees. 

We were not able to see it all in a day and would love to go back sometime to the museum.  We decided to all have dinner together at the country buffet. It was so good to have some real food while enjoying the fellowship together. More giggles as Nicki brought her aliases out. Quisha was sitting quietly & we figured out she was enjoying her food. 

They decide to start on their 3.5 hour drive home & skip the monument. As we walk out once again the bottom falls out. As we are driving we all see trees blown down over the fence into the street. Thankful that we were protected from whatever blew through. 

We get to the Washington monument & find a HC parking place right beside it. We have 4 extra tickets so Marlee Anne, Michala, Abe & I go look got someone we can give them to. We see a family of 4 looking at their map and ask if they had been to the top. They tell us no that they weren't able to get tickets. We asked it they would like them & the mom starts crying. The dad tears up and said are you serious. We explain to them that our friends were not able to come with us. They were all so excited & could not thank us enough. 

When it's our turn we go through security check & up the elevator. We go up 500 feet. When we step off the elevator & look out the window - WOW! That has to be one of the most amazing experiences in my life. 

Out one window we watched as a plane landed. Has anyone flown into Ronald Reagan airport? I think it would be really cool! Out one window we saw  Maryland & Virginia. We saw The White House, the Capital, pentagon & all the memorials. Oh and the mall with all the museums. On the way down in the elevator we get to see some of the walls as the windows open on the elevator. Very neat experience! So thankful that worked out. 

Abe's seizures finally stopped after 2 doses of Ativan. It's still raining & storming. We have just 2 more hours to go & we will be home. Thanks for letting me share our trip with ya'll! Now my journaling is done for the scrapbook. 

Love & respect to all!!!

Part 4

Well we love Virginia but after sitting in traffic for 2 hours on 95 we are now thankfully on 85 about 8 hours from home. 

After leaving the Capital we went back to Union Station for supper at America. It was really a neat place. Each state's shape was somewhere on the wall of the restaurant & taught me that I have several state shapes I cannot identify. A great project for Marlee Anne & I. 

Those of you that know us know that we make the most of any trip we take, trying to pack in the most possible. We decided to go to the Vietnam memorial. I knew it was going to take lots of deep breaths and prayers to get me through this one. As we walked up to the statue nearby to take a picture I was once again flooded with the disrepect. Three young boys maybe high school or older came running up screaming. They stopped in front of me as I was about to snap a picture of the statue & said oh look there's some homies. A very nice lady came up and said just what I was feeling. She said it's very sad. There are nice signs placed about reminding us to be respectful & silent. Perhaps these boys couldn't read. 

As we began our walk I heard my sweet child's voice say WOW look at how big that wall is. Then again saying look at all those names. Even as I type this now the tears flow. With every step I took my thankful heart grew. With every family member that touched the wall, was getting an etching of their loved one's name or a picture near their name I was grateful & prayerful. 

Our first several steps afterwards no one said a word. Later as we continued towards the World War II memorial we discussed the sacrifice those had made for our freedom and how often we take that freedom for granted. 

The World War II memorial was so large & really very beautiful. The gold stars reflecting in water along with the wreaths that were there were such a great remembrance. It was dark for our walk back down to the Lincoln memorial where we were parked. I enjoyed the quite peaceful walk just to reflect on my day, absorb & process it all. The kids loved all the lightening bugs we saw that we don't get to see at home. 

It was such a quick drive back to National Harbor. Really beautiful to see the city lit up. It was back to the room to do laundry because of Michala's daily flooding of her wheelchair even through the double diapers. The joys of life & the reminders that God is always good!

I think we all welcomed rest time while Mike was working. We took our time & got ready for our big day at The White. We were told to park at Willard Hotel. Once parked it was a short walk before our adventure into The White House began. This is not something I ever thought I would have the privilege to do. 

We got confirmation & instructions for our trip just a week before. First no strollers so we had to measure the double wheelchair. It wouldn't fit on the elevator at the White House so the secret service approved Abe's stroller. Because Mary Elizabeth was 18 she had to have an ID. Birth certificate would be ok. Oh no wait it had to be a picture ID. Thanks so some wonderful friends that was taken care of and hand delivered to our home the day before we left. 

Standing on the grounds of The White House you knew great things had been done there. Great people had graced those halls. Whether you liked or agreed with the present or any of the past presidents should not be a focus at this time. To me I was incredibly honored to be allowed to walk those same halls. Sadly others made it obvious they were not as honored. 

We were encouraged to ask the secret service any question we wanted. In the blue room Marlee Anne asked who was the first president to bring a Christmas tree into The White House. She first asked the secret service in the red room. She said she didn't know but she did know where they put it. She said they take the chandelier down in the blue room & it goes in the center. She said the secret service in that room could probably tell her. He couldn't answer but said if we would wait he would look it up. He pulled his phone out & began looking. We have been studying about the presidents in school but I wasn't sure exactly how much Marlee Anne remembered. The secret service said Andrew Jackson had a small sugar tree made but the first real tree was brought in by Benjamin Jackson. My sweet girl said thank you and walked on. Later she told us it was actually Franklin Pierce but she didn't want to tell us in front of the secret service. She had read that when studying about the presidents. 

Quick stop at Chick-fil-a because we haven't seen one in 7 days. More soon.

DC part 3

Well we love Virginia but after sitting in traffic for 2 hours on 95 we are now thankfully on 85 about 8 hours from home. 

After leaving the Capital we went back to Union Station for supper at America. It was really a neat place. Each state's shape was somewhere on the wall of the restaurant & taught me that I have several state shapes I cannot identify. A great project for Marlee Anne & I. 

Those of you that know us know that we make the most of any trip we take, trying to pack in the most possible. We decided to go to the Vietnam memorial. I knew it was going to take lots of deep breaths and prayers to get me through this one. As we walked up to the statue nearby to take a picture I was once again flooded with the disrepect. Three young boys maybe high school or older came running up screaming. They stopped in front of me as I was about to snap a picture of the statue & said oh look there's some homies. A very nice lady came up and said just what I was feeling. She said it's very sad. There are nice signs placed about reminding us to be respectful & silent. Perhaps these boys couldn't read. 

As we began our walk I heard my sweet child's voice say WOW look at how big that wall is. Then again saying look at all those names. Even as I type this now the tears flow. With every step I took my thankful heart grew. With every family member that touched the wall, was getting an etching of their loved one's name or a picture near their name I was grateful & prayerful. 

Our first several steps afterwards no one said a word. Later as we continued towards the World War II memorial we discussed the sacrifice those had made for our freedom and how often we take that freedom for granted. 

The World War II memorial was so large & really very beautiful. The gold stars reflecting in water along with the wreaths that were there were such a great remembrance. It was dark for our walk back down to the Lincoln memorial where we were parked. I enjoyed the quite peaceful walk just to reflect on my day, absorb & process it all. The kids loved all the lightening bugs we saw that we don't get to see at home. 

It was such a quick drive back to National Harbor. Really beautiful to see the city lit up. It was back to the room to do laundry because of Michala's daily flooding of her wheelchair even through the double diapers. The joys of life & the reminders that God is always good!

I think we all welcomed rest time while Mike was working. We took our time & got ready for our big day at The White. We were told to park at Willard Hotel. Once parked it was a short walk before our adventure into The White House began. This is not something I ever thought I would have the privilege to do. 

We got confirmation & instructions for our trip just a week before. First no strollers so we had to measure the double wheelchair. It wouldn't fit on the elevator at the White House so the secret service approved Abe's stroller. Because Mary Elizabeth was 18 she had to have an ID. Birth certificate would be ok. Oh no wait it had to be a picture ID. Thanks so some wonderful friends that was taken care of and hand delivered to our home the day before we left. 

Standing on the grounds of The White House you knew great things had been done there. Great people had graced those halls. Whether you liked or agreed with the present or any of the past presidents should not be a focus at this time. To me I was incredibly honored to be allowed to walk those same halls. Sadly others made it obvious they were not as honored. 

We were encouraged to ask the secret service any question we wanted. In the blue room Marlee Anne asked who was the first president to bring a Christmas tree into The White House. She first asked the secret service in the red room. She said she didn't know but she did know where they put it. She said they take the chandelier down in the blue room & it goes in the center. She said the secret service in that room could probably tell her. He couldn't answer but said if we would wait he would look it up. He pulled his phone out & began looking. We have been studying about the presidents in school but I wasn't sure exactly how much Marlee Anne remembered. The secret service said Andrew Jackson had a small sugar tree made but the first real tree was brought in by Benjamin Jackson. My sweet girl said thank you and walked on. Later she told us it was actually Franklin Pierce but she didn't want to tell us in front of the secret service. She had read that when studying about the presidents. 

Quick stop at Chick-fil-a because we haven't seen one in 7 days. More soon.

Part 2

After a much needed pitstop we are back on the road. 

I will say that we were pleased with the accessibility in National Harbor & DC. Parking was at a minimum in DC but that was for all parking. Our friend Pam had warned us ahead of time about the difficulties of parking. Thankfully that all worked out. Tons of walking but worth every step & again very accessible. Not all the places had automatic doors or HDA buttons which was surprising. 

So after my overwhelming experience at the Lincoln memorial we walked down to the new Korean memorial. I think with each step my heart grew heavier for those who lost loved ones & thankfulness to those that fought for our freedom. My words will never be able to express the magnitude of emotions I felt on this trip. 

More Disney friends were waiting on us at our hotel so we headed back. We had supper with them at Ketchup. It's a neat restaurant owned by Ashton Kutcher. I think everyone should try it once. We really enjoyed the French fry trio with the 5 different types of ketchup which included root beer, habinero & chipotle. Marlee Anne loved the asparagus. 

The next day Mike was up bright & early for his conference. He left in plenty of time since he wasn't sure how long his commute would be. Good thing! Later that afternoon he came back & got us for our Capital tour. We parked at Union Station & walked over. 

Those of you that don't know I am not big on history. Wasn't my favorite subject. I remember going to the Capital in Atlanta for school. I grew up in local politics but never loved it. Walking into the Capital was totally different for me than I expected. I was thinking all along that it would be neat & it is a beautiful & well kept building. However when I got inside it was more like an if these walls could talk experience. I felt the magnitude of the laws that were discussed & voted on there. I felt the presence of the great people that stood there, walk those halls & helped shape our nation. Very odd for me indeed. We had the most wonderful guide named Dave. Do ya'll know who Crawford Long's famous cousin was? Think on it & I will tell you soon. There is a statue of a great person from each state in one of the rooms in the Capital. Dr. Crawford Long's statue represents Georgia. Crawford Long hospital is where the surgeon that did Michala's amputation & helped save her life was from. 

After our tour we got tickets for both the senate & the house. In the senate there was a congressman discussing the need for medicaid. I hope he saw our 3 on wheelchairs & realized that his speech was needed & not in vain. Michala brought enough attention to herself by clapping so she had to leave. 

As we were leaving we took pictures of the beautiful Helen Keller statue. Her statue is the first statue of a child & a disabled person in the Capital. Very moving! Yes you know I was moved to tears. 

Break for now because my phone is going dead. If you have made it this far I hope you are enjoying our trip so far.