We don't expect 100% support from everyone. We know that some people will never understand it. What we do ask is that no matter what, you pray that God's will be done, you love & support us no matter what or at the very least you don't say anything, especially please do not be negative about it. We welcome questions to better understand the cannabis oil or why we cannot get it legally in Georgia but please do not tear us down or be negative about us doing what we feel led to do.
This is not a knee jerk response that took place after Abe died. We are not entering into this without a great deal of prayer. We held onto HOPE that Georgia would do the right thing in 2014. When it didn't pass we started the process to get Michala & Abe into the Epidiolex study. The one that Georgia state representative Sharon Cooper said we would be able to do at CHOA before the end of the year. Yes she told it to our faces while we were at the capital waiting to get all 3 of our children in wheelchairs on the elevator. It's too late for Abe & it doesn't look like Michala is going to be able to get into it. Waiting is not an option at this point.
It would be a lot easier to stay at home. Going to a different state to get our children help is not new to us. University of Alabama, Boston Children's, and University of Iowa have been our "homes" at one time.
Mike will continue to work to provide for our family as he always has. Especially now because we will have 2 homes along with 2 sets of utilities and travel expenses. Our family will be apart once again. We will be leaving family, friends, doctors, and our local support system.
We would love your prayers please. Thank you!